TEXMED Group Insurance - GENMED -Powered by Beacon Insurance

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TEXMED Claim Form


66 - 99 GENMED

Important Update:

Effective 1st May 2024, the Texmed Genmed Group Health Insurance Premiums are as follows;

Members 65 & Under GenMed Premiums
Member Only Plan $362.00
Member +1 Plan $639.00
Member +Family Plan $967.00
Members 66-99 GenMed Premiums
Retiree Only Plan $572.00
Retiree +1 Plan $1,071.00

Schedule of Benefits- Effective 01 May 2024

A Schedule of Benefits is a list of the various services covered under a health insurance plan, that outlines the fees associated with each type of health care service covered by your plan. This includes:

  • Your deductible and out-of-pocket max amounts.
  • Copays and coinsurance for drugs, office visits, procedures, urgent care and emergency services, imaging, labs, equipment, supplies, and other common types of medical services.

Members 65 & Under

Happy Under 65 on Health Plan

Scrollable Table
65 & UNDER
Maximum Three-Year Benefit $1,000,000.00
Calendar Year Deductible:
Deductible per Person $750.00
Deductibles per Family (max 2) $1,500.00
Co-insurance Factor 75%-25%
Pre-Existing condition $2,500 (1st 24 months)
Hospital Daily Room & Board Limit
Overseas (Non-Caricom) $2,500.00
Locally (Caricom) $700.00
Maximum no. days per Disability 31
Co-insurance Factor 75%-25%
Intensive Care Unit
Overseas (Non-Caricom) $3,000.00
Locally (Caricom) $1,000.00
Maximum no. days per Disability 31
Co-insurance 75%-25%
Miscellaneous Hospital Expenses 75%-25%
Surgical Benefit 75% of UCR
Anaesthesia Benefit 25% of UCR
Doctor's Visits Benefit
Office $200.00
Home $250.00
Hospital $250.00
Maximum no. of visits per Day 1
Maximum No. of visits per Disability 31
Co-insurance Factor 75%-25%
Specialist Consultant Benefit (Upon Referral)
Office $300.00
Home/Hospital $300.00
Maximum no. of visits per Day 1
Maximum No. of visits per Disability 10
Co-insurance Factor 75%-25%
Maternity Benefit (Subject to Deductible /No Co-insurance)
Normal Delivery $5,000.00
Caesarean Section\Extra Uterine Pregnancy(inc. Surgeon, Anaesthetist, R&B;
Misc. Exp) $8,000.00
Dilation & Curettage\Miscarriage $2,000.00
Pre-natal (included in Maternity Max.) $2,000.00
Waiting Period 10 months
Prescribed Drugs Benefit 75%-25%
Diagnostic, X-ray, and Lab Benefits 75%-25%
Psychologist/Psychiatrist Services (Upon Referral)
Maximum per Visit $200.00
Maximum no. visits per day 1
Maximum visit per Calendar Year 20
Co-Insurance Factor 75%-25%
Physiotherapy /Occupational/Speech Therapy(Upon Referral) 75% up to
Maximum per Visit $150.00
Maximum no. visits per Day 1
Maximum visit per Calendar Year 20
Preventative Care Benefits - (Annual Maximum) $1,000.00
Chiropractic Benefit (Upon Referral)
(The Chiropractor must be a member of the Chiropractic Association of T&T
Maximum per Consultation $200.00
Maximum no. visits per Day 1
Maximum per Calendar Year 20
Co-Insurance Factor 75%-25%
Acupuncture Benefit (Upon Referral)
(Acupuncture shall only be covered when performed by a licensed physician)
Maximum per Consultation $200.00
Maximum no. visits per Day 1
Maximum visits per Calendar Year 20
Co-Insurance Factor 75%-25%
Air Fare Benefit 75% up to
Maximum Benefit $10,000.00
Maximum No. of trips per Calendar Year 2
Air Ambulance Benefit
Maximum benefit US$25,000.00
Maximum No. of trips per Calendar Year 2
Co-Insurance Factor 100%
Local Ground Ambulance 100%
Internal Lifetime Plan Limits (Not subject to Ded/Co-ins)
Organ Transplants 50% Major Medical
Maximum subject to UCR
Congenital Birth Defects $250,000.00
Mental/Nervous Disorder $25,000.00
HIV/AIDS $50,000.00
Covid 19 & Hospitalization $150,000.00
Durable Medical Equipment 75% subject to UCR to a
Per Calendar Year maximum of $20,000.00
Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy/Dialysis Subject to deductible and
Per Calendar Year co-insurance up to a
maximum of $150,000.00
Repatriation of Mortal Remains TT$20,000.00
Private Duty Nursing
Maximum per 8 hr. shift - Private Residence -Day
Maximum per 8 hr. shift - Private Residence -Night $250.00
Maximum per 8 hr. shift - Hospital-Night
Maximum no. of days per disability 30
Co-Insurance Factor 75%-25%
Maximum Benefits per Calendar Year: $2,000.00
Deductible per Calendar Year $150.00
Orthodontic Treatment:( Lifetime Benefit Limited to children up to age 19) $2,000.00
Orthodontic Treatment Annual Benefit $1,000.00
Co-Insurance Percentage 75%-25%
Waiting Period 3 Months
Maximum per Calendar Year $1,750.00
Deductible per Calendar Year $150.00
Co-Insurance percentage factor 75%-25%
Contact Lenses (Not medically approved) Inc. in Vision Max.
Waiting Period 3 Months

Members 66 to 99

Happy Senors

Scrollable Table
BENEFITS GENMED Renewal Benefits
Maximum Benefit: $500,000
Benefit Period 6 Year Renewal
Calendar Year Deductible $1,000
Deductible per family $2,000
Co-insurance 70%-30%
Hospital Daily Room and Board Limit
Locally/ Caricom $500
Overseas (Non Caricom) $2,500
Intensive Care - Locally/ Caricom $1,000
Intensive Care - Overseas (Non
Caricom) $3,000
Miscellaneous Hospital Expense
Benefit Maximum 70%-30%
Surgical Benefit
Disability Maximum 70% of R&C charges
Anaesthesia Benefit 25% of Surgical R&C
Doctor's Visit
Office Visit $200
Home / Hospital Visit $250
Maximum number of visits per day 1 visit per day
Specialists Consultation Expense
Office Visit
Home / Hospital Visit $250
Maximum number of visits per day 1 visit per day
Physiotherapy Benefit
Maximum per visit $150
Maximum number of visits per
calendar year 20 visits
Psychologist Benefit
Maximum per visit $200
Maximum number of visits per
calendar year 20 visits
Private Duty Nursing
Maximum Per 8-hour shift Private
Residence (Day)
Maximum Per 8-hour shift Private
Residence (Night) $250
Maximum Per 8-hour shift - Hospital
Maximum no. of days per Disability 30 days
70% up to $50,000 per policy
Prescribed Drugs year
Prescribed Drugs 70% up to $50,000 per policy
Diagnostic Benefit year
Airfare Benefit
Maximum Benefit $5,000
Number of trips per calendar year 2
Emergency Air Ambulance Benefit
Maximum Benefit US $18,000
Number of trips per calendar year 2
Preventative Care Expense
Annual Maximum $1,000 - Blanket Cover
Local Ground Ambulance
Benefit Maximum 100%
Acupuncture Benefit (Shall only be covered when performed by a licensed physician)
Maximum per visit $200
Maximum number of visits per
calendar year 20 visits
Chiropractic Benefit (Must be performed by a member of the Chiropractic Association and referred by a licensed physician)
Maximum per visit $200
Maximum number of visits per
calendar year 20 visits
Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy/Dialysis Subject to Deductible and Co- Insurance up to a maximum of
$100,000 Max. per Cal. Yr.
Internal Plan Limits
50% of Major Med. Max.
Organ Transplant subject to R&C charges
70% subject to R&C to a
Durable Medical Equipment maximum of $20,000
Repatriation of Mortal Remains $20,000
Mental and Nervous Disorders $25,000
AIDS $50,000
Covid 19 & Hospitalization $150,000
Vision Care Benefit
Maximum per Calendar Year $1,250
Calendar Year Deductible $150
Co-Insurance 70%-30%
Contact Lenses (Incl. in Vision Max) Paid under Vision Max.
Dental Expense Benefit
Maximum per Calendar Year $1,500
Calendar Year Deductible $150
Co-Insurance 70%-30%
Orthodontic Treatment Not Covered

The plan is designed to give valuable financial assistance in meeting medical costs as a result of a covered accident or sickness. It is very important that you know the scope of the benefits, since you are responsible for any amount charged for medical care in excess of the benefits payable.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the plan.  We have also placed links below to brochures for more information.  Feel free to contact the credit union office for more information.

  • Who are the Providers in the Network?
List of Providers in the GENMED Network

Please also see map below;

Have a question?

Please check out our  Frequently Asked Questions Page by clicking on the link below;

Frequently Asked Questions 

Register for GENMED GROUP Health Insurance

We appreciate your interest in joining the TEXTEL Credit Union Health Plan - Genmed.

To streamline your enrollment process, we have attached the necessary forms below..

For New Members Age 45 and Under: Please ensure the completion and submission of the Enrollment Form and Group Health Statement Forms.

For New Members Age 46 and Over: Kindly complete and submit the Enrollment Form, and Group Health Statement, with Part 2 being completed by a Medical Professional. (refer to the attached document).

For Dependent Addition of Existing Members (Under Age 45): For dependents under the age of 45, the completion of the Part 1 Form is required.

Additional Requirement for Dependents with Different Surnames from the Insured: For dependents with surnames different from the insured, kindly include copies of their Birth Certificate and Marriage Certificate.

The timeline for processing is determined by the insurer and can vary. The process typically ranges from as little as 3 weeks to as much as 3 months, depending on the underwriting. Once your form is complete, it will be submitted to the insurer for review and underwriting. You will be notified once coverage is approved.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact us @ insurance@textelcu.com.

Thank you for choosing TEXTEL Credit Union Health Plan Genmed! 🏥🩺

TEXMED Group Health Statement

TEXMED Group Health Enrolment form

GenMed Network Provider Listing Map.